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An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:45 pm

Dimas: *Sleeping on a tree branch.*

*About two hours later, Jacob, Springs and Curien finally arrive.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:47 pm

Bianca: *wakes up due to the noise* Mmm...stupid noise.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:54 pm

Jacob: *Shuts the motorcycle off.*

Guard: ! Sir Curien!

Curien: At ease.

Guard: The two girls, Amber and Bianca returned about two hours ago. They came back with a hostage and a dark red haired boy. We suspect the hostage is one of Edgar's allies.

Jacob: Bianca pulled it off....hell yeah. Now I can interrogate him.

Curien: What about the boy Amber and Bianca brought along?

Guard: He is sleeping on the tree branches all the way up there. He's been sleeping since he arrived.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:10 pm

Bianca: And how exactly do you plan on interrogating him. *walks out of her house*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:34 pm

Jacob: I'll find a way. Even if I won't exactly like it.

Curien: I'll take over if you don't want to-

Jacob: No thanks. I have to do my part in this group too. Where is he?

Guard: Gerald took him to Curien's home.

Curien: Okay then. Whenever you're ready, Jacob.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:29 am

Bianca: *rolls her eyes*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:37 am

Jacob: Something wrong, Bianca?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:56 am

Bianca: This is going to end badly.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:09 pm

Jacob: If it does, it does. The best thing that can be done is to get as much information from him.

Guard: Sir, the hostage is coming to.

Curien: Looks like the interrogation will start sooner than later...ready?

Jacob: Yep...

They move towards Curien's home. They enter the basement floor where Gerald and Bertha are guarding the room Kiln is in. Inside, he is tied to a chair.

Kiln: ...

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:25 pm

Bianca: *sighs before going back to her room*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:26 pm

Jacob: *Enters the room.*...So you're the man Bianca and Amber captured.

Kiln: Where the heck were you? You missed out on a spectacular....yet anti-climatic fight.

Jacob: Busy. For your information...*Grabs Kiln's neck.* I'm the one who is going to ask questions.

Oye, this is already dull. Let me take over, you lack the ruthlessness to interrogate anyone.

Jacob:....What do you know about the DRM? Was Edgar really the only one in charge in that project?

Kiln: *Chuckles.* What can you possibly hope to do with such knowledge? It won't do you any good.

Ugh, this is too painful for words...

Jacob: *Winces a bit before glaring at Kiln. He creates a small blade of light around his hand.* Answer the question, or so help me, you will leave this place with no arms.

Kiln: Ooh, how scary. By the way, did you get the chance to meet your child?

Jacob: ....What. Now you're just bullshitting.

Kiln: You can ask that girl you sparred against. She knows everything.

Jacob: After I make you spill the beans. *Goes to speak again, but grunts as his head starts to ring.*

You forced my hand in this, you pathetic boy.

Jacob: *Starts hallucinating gunfire. He sees gun barrels appearing out of thin air and blasting smoke at him. With a heavy gasp and cough, he nearly collapses on his knees. He keeps his balance, however and stands perfectly straight. He rubs his eyes, which are now cyan coloured.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:16 pm

Amber: *rolls in her sleep*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:27 pm

Kiln: Looks like you've got a problem boy-ACK!!

Jacob: *Has grabbed Kiln's neck.* Speak only when you are spoken to, you insufferable fool. I don't have a single clue what you mean about this "child", but I've had enough of this cesspool of a dimension. You're going to tell me about the DRM, NOW!

Jacob snatches a chair and positions it at the door knob, so that no one from the outside can open it.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:46 pm

Amber: *shoots up awake* Ah crap...*gets out of bed*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:14 pm

Kiln: Keheheh....suffering from some sort of disorder-OUGH!!

Jacob: *Has kneed Kiln, right at the groin.* Its always a bad idea to hit someone you're interrogating at their head. But the other "head" will have to do. *Focuses on Kiln's fingers.* Now....TALK.

Kiln: Kiss....my....ass, you-*Suddenly, his nails are ripped right out of his index fingers.* Aaaagh!!

Jacob: *The nail moves close to his hand before dropping.* Two down, eight more to go. You want to keep this up?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:19 pm

Amber: *runs towards the house where Jacob and Kiln are being held* Hey! *starts knocking on the door* Open up!

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:41 pm

Jacob: ! Cursed... *Glares at Kiln. Kiln's arm starts to turn and pull.*

Kiln: !! *Feels his arm popping out of the socket.* Uuuaaaggh!

Jacob: You want this to stop? Then TALK.


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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:15 pm

Amber: That does it...*kicks the door forcing it open* Jacob!

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:26 pm

Jacob: *Still glaring at Kiln, he points his hand at Amber.* You stay out of this. This has absolutely nothing to do with you.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:51 pm

Amber: Are you kidding me? This has everything to do with me. *walks up to Jacob* We didn't bring the guy here to be tortured.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:04 pm

Jacob: He talked. Torturing him got me somewhere, so back off. While you're at it.... *Glares at Amber.* Don't you dare get close to me again. *Shoulder shoves Amber before storming out.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:23 pm

Amber: Hmph. Asshole.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:37 pm

Kiln: Sonuva....I think he broke me...

Jacob: *Walking through the village.* How dare she. One more intrusion like that and I'll-

Springs: *Spots Jacob. Feeling something is off, he immediately backs away.* Reeeeee....?

Jacob: Hmph. I would give the boy control again, but I'll just enjoy this moment of freedom before I lose my grip. Maybe even tarnish his "reputation" here some more.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:40 pm

Amber: *turns to Kiln* Now what was that about the DRM?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:48 pm

Kiln: I was charge of the development....the planning....Edgar's scientists provided only the labour. Edgar eventually took all the credit, that asshole...the DRM wasn't supposed to only steal things from other dimensions. It also had the capability to take someone to other dimensions. Simply put, the reverse.

Kiln squirms in his seat.

Kiln: But, I sabotaged it, so that Edgar would never leave this place. At least until I was ready....

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 23 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

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