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An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:51 pm

Jacob: Stage wha-WAH! *Flips all over the air until he lands on his foot and knee.* Holy crap, her power just skyrocketed...*He stands up and looks at the pure red energy surrounding Amber.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:20 pm

The red energy around Amber flared as it turned orange, and with it her hair color. As her hair grew slightly longer her eyes slowly changed orange in color. In an instant, the aura settled and died down leaving an orange glow surrounding its owner.

Amber: *smirks*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:02 pm

Jacob: *Whistles.* How intimidating, yet cute.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:17 pm

Amber: *raises her eyebrow* You think this is cute?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:22 pm

Jacob: *Chuckles and rubs the back of his neck.* Yyyyeah.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:28 pm

Amber: You're weird.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:38 pm

Jacob: Please, that's old news to me. *He pauses and his smile fades.*.....*Cracks his knuckles and looks at Amber with focused eyes.* Let's wrap this up!

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:39 pm

Amber: Fine by me. *gets into position*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:49 pm

Jacob: *The scar glows underneath his shirt as the light blades around his hands reappear. With a horizontal swing of the arm, one of the blades heads straight for Amber.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:55 pm

Amber: *simply stands there and backhands the blade causing it to disperse into particles of light energy* Sorry, but that's not going to work against me, especially when I'm in this state.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:44 pm

Jacob: *Leaps up and uses his second light blade to gather the particles.* That is what I was counting on! *The particles make the second light blade grow larger. He lands behind Amber and turns around to face her, ready to deliver his final strike.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:17 pm

Amber: *uses her superior speed to quickly catch Jacob off guard, grabs his wrist, and then punches him hard in the gut*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:42 pm

Jacob: *Coughs and wheezes* (A-Again...?)

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:07 pm

Amber: You were smart to come from behind. Your plan was good too. Your only flaw...was that you're too slow. *releases a pulse of energy from her fist that sends Jacob flying*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:16 pm

Jacob: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! (Too slow....) *Continues to scream until he lands away from Amber.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:45 am

Amber: *takes a deep breath and reverts out of Stage 2* I'm hungry. Wonder what they have to eat? *walks back to the stronghold*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:35 am

Jacob: .....Well, that was pretty fun.

Springs approaches him with half-closed eyes.

Springs:....Ree. -_-

Jacob: *Gets back up.* Hey, it was a good exercise. I don't care if I lost. That blast sent me pretty far away though....we should head back for a bite or something.

Springs: ! Reeeeee! *Dashes ahead.*

Jacob: >_>....*Runs after Springs.*

Unbeknowst to them, a circular device rises from the bushes. Inside the device is a camera....it has caught the entire fight between Jacob and Amber. It ascends from the forest and flies away. It makes way past Edgar's mansion and into a seemingly unsuspecting beach. Upon diving into the water, the device makes its way to a rather small underwater base.

Inside the underwater base is a lab. A silver haired, white trenchcoat wearing man is watching the recording the device took.*

?: Intriging...! Such power from both of them! *The recording device enters the lab though a chute and he grabs it.* If only I had installed something to extract samples from them...

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:21 am

*Stupid PS3 typing limit didn't let me finish completely. @_@*

Suddenly, something rings within the scientist's pocket.

Scientist: Ah! *Takes out a light green cube and taps it. One side of the cube reveals Edgar.* Pretty good timing, Edgar.

Edgar: Eeagh, I hate this crappy cube crap. Anyway, I see you are quite busy, Kiln. But I have something for you to do. Yesterday evening, I used the DRM twice, but barely got a thing. What I did get only got away and made my idiots look like even bigger idiots. By what they have said, they are two girls. One of them is a brunette and the other is a red head. The latter apparently can make stuff outta her energy or some shit like that.

Kiln: !! How...interesting you should mention her. (I should keep my new project a secret....)

Edgar: Oh?

Kiln: I was just looking for something new to experiment on....*He puts on a red fedora to shield his eyes.* You want me to search for these girls and take them? I'll see what I can do then.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:30 am

Amber makes it back to the stronghold. There she finds Bianca waiting for her albeit impatiently.

Bianca: Where have you been?

Amber: Working out.

Bianca: By using Stage 2?

Amber: *shrugs* Jacob challenged me to a fight. He got serious, so I got serious.

Bianca: And...?

Amber: *smirks* I kicked his butt.

Bianca: *sighs*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:56 am

Just then, Jacob and Springs make it back to the stronghold as well.

Springs: Reeeeee!

Jacob: Thanks for the extra work out, Springs. You sure can run fast...

*Back to Kiln*

Edgar: I'll leave you to the experimenting, braniac. I have some preparations of my own to make.

Kiln: I'll get started with my search right away. (He doesn't know about the boy it seems....)

The cube powers down and he takes a briefcase with him. He leaves his lab to take a small submarine out of the base and to the beach. The recording device follows suit.*

Kiln: *Upon reaching the beach and leaving the submarine, the submarine sinks into the water. He grabs the recording device and watches the video again for reference.* Hmmmm....guess I'll head this way. *Starts walking towards the area where Amber and Jacob fought.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:37 am

Amber: *is stuffing her face with food*

Bianca: *is also stuffing her face with food*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:00 pm

Jacob: Sheesh, how messy...*Hands Springs a bowl of food.*

Springs: *Eats furiously.*

Jacob: Sheesh, easy there. You'll get a stomachache later.


Kiln: *Has reached the forest.* Aaaah, about time. This seems to be the place....*Looks around and spots several damaged areas caused by the fight. He puts on a pair of what seems to be sunglasse, until the lens turn bright blue. The blue lens aid him in tracking down remnants of energy.* Now this is very potent energy....*Starts gathering samples of Amber and Jacob's energy.* Now, Edgar mentioned something about a brunette girl....eh, I'll take care of that later. For now, I'm more interested in these two....*Grins as he examines the energy and stores them inside his coat. He then takes his leave and heads back to the beach.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:03 pm

Amber: *gives Jacob a glare*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:15 pm

Jacob: o_o Uhhh....*Sits down with his plate of food and eats slowly.*


Kiln: *Has made his way back to his base by using his submarine. He dashes into the lab, eager to start examining the energy.* This is going to be great...I wonder if the energy has their genetic make-up too....let's see....

As Kiln continues to analyse them, he smile turns into a gigantic grin.

Kiln: This...is incredible....I've never seen such potent....this changes everything. Now I really have to get busy! *Shuts the door to his lab.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 5 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:29 pm

Amber: *gulps her food down* Our powers also make our bodies have high metabolism, so we need to eat a lot of food.

Bianca: Amber more so because she has more power.

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