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An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:17 pm

Amber: That bastard...*runs out of her home*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:37 pm

The rift opens up in front of Edgar's mansion. Its also quite close to the ground. Several people are thrown out of the rift.

Edgar: *Does a little dance.* Ahah! The rift has opened right in front of my doorstep, how lucky!

Soldiers: Sir, it seems the rift only took a group of people....

Among the group is a giant of a man with scars from head to toe. HE looks around his surroundings and the broken binds on his ankles. He grins and laughs.*

Man: I'm free! Who has freed me?!

Soldier: *Points his gun at him, only to get smacked by Edgar.*

Edgar: Me.

Man: *Interrupts Edgar before he could continue speaking.* Then I owe you a big one. Allow me to kill these fledglings as an offering.

Edgar: Oooh, how brunt! Stand down, you idiots! Entertain me then.

Man: *Proceeds to grab the each person around him one by one and tear them limb from limb.*

Edgar: *Watches in amusement as the man smashes another person's head with his bare foot.*....*Claps.* Amazing. Simply amazing. You have done more than enough, spare the others! I have some use for them. What is your name?

Man: Ryofu.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:50 pm

Amber: *runs towards Bertha* Why the hell haven't you guys launched any attack on that bastard's mansion yet?!

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:14 pm

Bertha: We're not strong enough, that's why...even after the groups all around Xenu became one, our collaborated attacks barely did a thing. The least we can do now is save those the DRM takes and hope they swell our ranks to take that bastard down....

Bearded Man:....But the DRM has reached its third use, right? According to the intel Gerald gave me, it'll take a week before it is fully charged. Besides....not all of Xenu is united.

Bertha: Sir, no, don't even consider those jackasses could be our allies. They have remained "neutral" this whole time! Or rather, spineless cowards! They have a stronger army and the tools needed, but they refuse to have any part!

Bearded Man: That was before this girl and the other two came into the picture. I believe they can convince them to join in one way or another....

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:22 pm

Amber: *gives a disapproving look* You know I've noticed a lot that the way you're talking about us is like you're using us.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:10 pm

Bearded Man:  But there isn't anyone else that has power like you. You three could be our only hope. I ask you, no, I beg you for your help. *Bows his head.*
Bertha: S-Sir!
bearded Man: You object, Bertha? Or did you forget that the enemy is holding your little brother as a prisoner?
Bertha:...*Bows her head.*
Bearded Man: North from here is a village built alongside a beach...its called Kennebec. I was planning on going there anyway, but I would appreciate it if you were to come along....if not, I'll understand.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:49 pm

Amber: ...what choice do I have?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:03 pm

Bearded Man: Thank you...I'll be sure to repay you anyway I can.

*Edgar's mansion.*

Edgar: So...Ryofu? Eh, too complicated. I'll just call you overly buffed up. I have a proposition for you....how would you like to go wild against a whole village?

Ryofu: Sounds perfect...all by myself, right?

Edgar: Yyyyyyyep.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:27 pm

Amber: Thanks...I guess. *walks back to her home*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:40 pm

Bertha: *Sigh.*....She didn't sound all that convinced...

Bearded Man: I'm not surprised....can't blame her....

*Edgar's mansion.*

A gun shot echoes across the area!

Edgar: ?! *A bullet grazes his cheek.*

The person who fired was...Gerald!

Gerald: !! Shit, I missed! *Loads his rifle and hides inside the forest.*

Soldiers: Over there!!

Edgar: No! *Tending to his cheek with a handkerchief.* Let Ryofu take this one. A little cat and mouse sounds like fun. *Snaps and his soldiers stand down.*

Ryofu: *Dashes into the forest.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:52 pm

Amber: *goes back into her home and falls on her bed* Why did this have to happen to me?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:02 pm

*Gerald and his unit hides within the forest.*

Ryofu: You can hide....but I can smell the fear from you....*Turns around when he hears movement.* Found you!!

Rebel: !! Nonononono-ACK!! *Dragged into the bushes. What follows is his screams and bones snapping.*

Rebel 2: Damn it!! *Jumps out with a flamethrower.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:14 pm

Amber: *falls back asleep*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:23 pm

The second rebel tries to torch Ryofu with the flamethrower. When he goes to confirm the kill, the only thing he finds is his comrade's burnt corpse.

Rebel: ?! How did he....

A shadow moves behind him. It takes a physical shape...

Ryofu: Darkness, kiddo. Are you afraid of it? *Jams his fingers into his eyes then twists his neck.* It feels quite good to be free...

Gerald: !! *Hides within a tree he just climbed. He takes a deep breath.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Mon Jun 24, 2013 6:43 am

Bianca: *is sleeping soundly as well*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:05 pm

Ryofu: *Starts smashing down trees.* Come on! This hunter's game is starting to bore me!

Gerald: *Winces as he sees Ryofu approach the tree he is in.* Oh no....

Ryofu: Down you go!! *With a mighty kick, the tree breaks and comes down.*

Gerald: CRAP!! *Rolls on the ground before running for it.*

Ryofu: *Takes out a black chain from his pocket. There is a hook at the end of it. He tosses it forward and it lodges into Gerald's elbow.*

Gerald: !!! AGH!!

Ryofu: No escape now....KYAH!! *With a tug, the hook digs into the elbow and tears off the lower arm.*

Gerald: !!!! *Lets out a pain-filled scream.*

Edgar: *Listens in joy.* Yes....he'll be perfect for the job....

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:32 pm

Amber: *tosses and turns in her sleep*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:05 pm

Ryofu: *Grabs the arm and watches Gerald flee.* Go ahead, run! *Raises the arm over his arm and lets the blood drip onto his face.*

Ryofu returns to Edgar. Edgar greets him with a slow clap.

Edgar: Now why can't I have a whole army of just you? Now, onto business. In two days, I want you to head to this village known as Kennebec. I'll personally give you the coordinates and I want you to slaughter everyone there. Alone.

Ryofu: Perfect....just the way I like it.

Edgar: Good, very good. Ah yes, if you happen to stumble upon a couple of gals with "powers," rip their arms off and deliver them to me.

Ryofu: Consider it done.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:06 pm

Amber: *shoots up breathing hard* A...nightmare?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:29 pm

Outside Jacob's house, Springs is staring at the forest. He shudders and runs back into the house.

Springs: Reeeeeee! *Knocks Jacob off his bed.*

Jacob: ?! Ahh! Sp-Springs?! What's the matter-

Springs: Reeeeeeee!! *Runs out of the house.*

Jacob: Hey!! *Runs after him.*

Springs dashes into the forest with Jacob following. Despite telling him to stop, Springs keeps running. Until they hear a groan....out from the darkness comes Gerald.

Gerald: *Has wrapped his stump with bandages. He can barely walk straight.*....*Sees Jacob.* !! J....urk...*Collapses.*

Jacob: Oh shit....! *Runs towards Gerald.* (Did Springs....) *Shakes from his inner thoughts and focuses on Gerald.*

Gerald: Ja....cob....you have to get me to the village, quickly....

Jacob: Not until I stop the bleeding. *Presses his hand on the stump and applies his energy.*

Gerald: This'll be the second time you'll heal me....

Jacob: Just tell me what happened.

Gerald briefly explains what happened...

Jacob: *He picks up Gerald.*....

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:32 pm

Jacob: ....We have to head back quickly. Hold on tight.

Jacob and Springs run back to the village. The sun is starting to rise...Jacob reaches the leader's house and knocks quickly.

Bertha: *Opens the door and immediately gasps.* G-Gerald?!

Village Head: Who is there? *His eyes widen.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:45 pm

Amber: *walks out wiping her eye* What's with all the racket?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:51 pm

Jacob: Gerald was wounded when he was scouting with his unit. His arm was torn off...

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:45 am

Amber: ...ouch.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 9 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:03 am

Jacob: Yeah. I healed his stump and stopped the bleeding, but his severed arm was nowhere to be found...he told me a large man manipulated darkness to catch him and his unit off guard. Gerald also told me that man came from the Rift, but was quick to offer Edgar his services.

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