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An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:34 pm

Amber: Come on out you coward! I know you're around here!

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:39 pm

?: Shut your trap. I would've killed you outside Kennebec. But you are required to live...

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:50 pm

Amber: *looks around* Required to live? The hell is that supposed to mean?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:58 pm

?: Edgar wants you alive. He has heard about your exploits against his army. He is....interested in you and that other friend of yours.

Jacob: For some sick experiments, no doubt. Just like others he has captured. Well not on my watch.

?: Hm. Edgar didn't say anything about some dark haired pretty boy. I guess I can rip you apart.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:06 pm

Amber: Not on my watch. *changes into her Stage 2 form*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:15 pm

?: Hah! I'm Ryofu, pracitioner of the Blackhand style. I blend in the darkness! You will never find catch me.

A shadow with waves of darkness behind him soars towards Amber and Jacob. At that moment, small cuts appear across their bodies.

Ryofu: *Blends into a dark alley.* Strange. Normally the cuts would be large with blood spewing.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:23 pm

Amber: We're not your normal kind. *turns towards the dark alley where he's hiding* And I'm familiar with this form of fighting.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:26 pm

Ryofu: Impossible...!!

Jacob: You use darkness, huh? Well, you're very unlucky. Darkness is not effective against me.

Ryofu: Grrrrr, don't you two get cocky!

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:31 pm

Amber: Same goes for you pal! *charges up two spheres of energy and fires them at the alley; one disintegrates any objects in the way while the other illuminates the area with a bright, orange light*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:39 pm

Ryofu: Nuuuaaaaagh!! *He is revealed and his clothes are torn to shreads, which leaves him only with his trunks.*

Jacob: Heh, a giant of a man indeed. Its a cliche, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall. *Swings his arm and sends a wave of yellow light at the alley. The yellow and orange light mixes and turns red.*

Ryofu: !! *Sent crashing into a building behind him.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:59 pm

Amber: *takes the opportunity to fire several bands at Ryofu to pin him to the wall*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:23 am

Ryofu: Child's play! *Smacks them away. He looks up as more dark clouds arrive.* Hahahah....soon, your light won't faze me. As these clouds accumulate, my darkness grows more powerful.

Curien is with Springs and Bianca, watching the fight.

Curien: Those two are quite a combination.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:38 am

Amber: Tch...

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:42 pm

Ryofu: You'll pay for harming me! *Leaps towards Amber. Darkness surrounds his arm and it extends forward. It grabs Amber by the neck and lifts her off the ground.*

Jacob: !! *Creates blades of light over his arms and goes in to slice Ryofu.*

Ryofu: *Blocks the attack with his bare arm.*

Jacob: What?!

Ryofu: Not effective, huh? Think again, kid. When faced with overwelming darkness, you're nothing more than a candle ready to go out. Once the sweetheart loses consciousness....I might just rib a limb or two to make sure she doesn't get away that easily. I'm sure her flesh will taste reaaaaaaal good....

Jacob: You sick bastard!!

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:06 pm

Amber: *struggles to get free* Let...me...GO!!! *her body becomes shrouded in electricity that channels itself across the arm of darkness and towards its owner*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:35 pm

Ryofu: !! *Get electrocuted and tosses Amber into a building.* Irritating bitch!

Jacob: *Lands a solid punch on Ryofu's face before going to check on Amber. He helps Amber out of the rubble.* You okay, Amber?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:38 pm

Amber: Yeah...I'm fine. *gets up*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:51 pm

Jacob: As long as these clouds keep accumulating, its a losing fight. I'm gonna have to store up a lot of my own light to rip a hole in the clouds.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:55 pm

Amber: You do that. I'll keep him busy. I still got plenty of strength left to handle him.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:00 pm

Jacob: Okay. *Smiles and gives Amber a thumb up.* Best of luck.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:21 pm

*I'm taking my laptop to a repair shop so it'll be a while before I post again*

Amber: Thanks.


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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:52 pm

*Okay, bro.*

Jacob: *Gets back and starts to concentrate. The yellow light shifts to a golden colour.*

Ryofu: Oh no, you don't!! *Dashes towards Jacob.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:39 pm

*Yeah in the meantime I'll use an alternative computer*

Amber: *gets in front of Ryofu and blasts him with a discharge of energy*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:13 pm

*Cool. Hope the repairs work out.*

Ryofu: Ugh! *Flips in the air and lands.*

Jacob: Jeez, I feel like I'm in one of those cartoons where it takes episodes to charge up...How irritating....*Shuts his eyes and continues to focus until a golden sphere of light forms in his hands.*

Ryofu: Hahah, I don't see why you two bother to fight. *His shadow arm grows again, but with long nails this time. With a quick swipe, tosses debris and cuts her face.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:17 pm

Amber: *ignores the cuts and charges forward at high speed*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 14 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

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