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An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:20 pm

Upon taking a few steps, Springs suddenly dashes towards her.

Springs: *He is whimpering and shaking.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:21 pm

Amber: ...it's Jacob isn't it?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:26 pm

Springs: *Nods. He makes his way to the forest before stopping and pointing his head to the ground.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:27 pm

Amber: Uh...*is confused*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:44 pm

Springs: *Pushes Amber to where he was standing. There are a whole bunch of footprints in the ground and on the grass. He pushes her further more and the footprints are replaced with tire marks.*

Bertha: *Has just followed them out of the village gate.* I think he's saying Jacob was taken away.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:24 pm

Amber: But by who?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:39 pm

Bertha: Our best bet will have to be Edgar's army.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:40 pm

Amber: *sighs* What was that idiot thinking?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:59 pm

Springs: Reeeee....


Jacob: *Is sitting in a truck. His wrists and ankles are chained. A few guards surround him at gunpoint.*

Soldier: Way to completely expose yourself, boy. You can kiss your freedom goodbye. Heheh.

Driver: We're gonna have to make a stop at the nearby base for fuel. Just letting you know.

Soldier 2: Hah, no problem with us. I suppose we can...rough him up. Make it look like we kicked his sorry ass. Master Edgar would be most impressed with us.

Soldier: Not a bad idea, that. You hear that, kid? We're going to beat you to a pulp once we stop.

Jacob:....*Glances at the window. The truck is approaching a junkyard.*

*The truck comes to a stop. The soldiers open the doors and force Jacob out of the car.*

Soldier: Move it. We're going to have some fun. *Takes out a steel pipe.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:16 pm

Amber: *walks back to her house*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:13 am

The soldiers start to pummel Jacob with steel pipes. The only soldiers around the junkyard base either watch in amusement or ignore it entirely.

Driver: Oye, don’t take too long. You stop once I tell you the tank is full. Edgar hasn’t exactly been in a patient mood as of late.

Soldier: Fair point. All right then, we’ll make the most of this. *Bashes Jacob’s face.*

Jacob: ….When does it start hurting?

Soldier 2: What the hell did he just say?

Jacob: All of your attacks have been beyond pathetic. *He effortlessly breaks free from the chains.*

All of the soldiers in the base are alerted by this and start to take aim.

Jacob: *Jumps several times and reaches the back of the junkyard.* I was going to wait until they took me to their HQ….but this junkyard may prove to be useful to me. All this scrap….I’ll show you how to really handle metal, Jacob. *He presses his palms together. By using his mind, all of the surrounding scraps of metal moves towards him. He slowly moves his hand as metal surrounds him, but leaves enough room for his arms and legs to move.*

The soldiers follow Jacob and look at the metal around him.

Soldier: Ho….ly…..shit….

Jacob: *The scraps of metal around him have been shaped into a sixteen feet golem-like structure, only with no legs.*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:36 pm

Amber: I'm going to work out.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:40 pm

Jacob: It appears the tables have been turned. Let's see you attack me now. *He raises his arm. The steel golem does the same.*

Soldier: Oh shit, RUN!!

Jacob: *He SMASHES one of the buildings and tosses chunks of it at the fleeing soldiers.* Running won't do you any good. Now you pay the price for carelessly "capturing" me.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:35 pm

Amber: (Jacob you idiot...).

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:57 pm

Jacob: Here is your reward for doing me the grand favour. *Smashes the remaining soldiers with the golem's hands.*....Best not to waste anymore time. I have to find the HQ.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:00 am

Amber: *stops walking before turning back*

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:29 am

Jacob: *Makes the golem move with his telekinesis. He looks ahead with a vacant stare.* I suppose if I make enough noise, the others in the village will be alerted. Then they can fight it out with Edgar's forces. ACK.... *Feels his chest.* You are one determined boy, Jacob....

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:46 pm

Amber: (This might be the dumbest idea I've ever had...)

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:53 pm

Jacob:....*Lifts his head up as he hears several cars driving through the forest.* More guests...guess someone at the junkyard alerted the cavalry. No matter, I can use a better warm up. *Heads straight for the cars.*

Soldiers: !! There he is! Get the rockets ready!

A few soldiers aim rocket launchers at Jacob and fire.*

Jacob: *Uses the golem's hand to shield himself, but the rockets blast the hand off.* Hmph....

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:30 pm

Amber: *walks up to Bertha* When are we going to attack Edgar's palace?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:40 pm

Bertha: I was just going to tell you; Curien informed me that preparations for the attack are underway. I don't know what he said to that Kiln guy, but he offered his aid to our cause. Look over there.

Amber looks at the village gate. A small group of about four people are standing there.

Bertha: The other villages around Xenu have sent their best to us. All we need to do is organize our new army.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:41 am

Amber: Good. We need to get there before Jacob does something stupid.

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:45 am

Bertha: What, you're worried?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by BlazingBarrager Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:52 am

Amber: Yeah...

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

Post by TitaniumTyger Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:56 am

Bertha: Even though you've only known him for a whole week...?

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An Unwanted Vacation (RP) - Page 25 Empty Re: An Unwanted Vacation (RP)

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